Reiki (pronounced "ray-kee") is a therapeutic technique in which healing energy is channeled through a the hands into the person receiving the treatment. It is believed that Reiki brings the body into emotional and spiritual balance, supporting its natural ability to heal itself.

The name Reiki comes from the Japanese rei, meaning "universal," and ki, meaning "energy." Reiki's "universal energy" is equivalent to the vital life force, or qi, in traditional Chinese medicine.

Reiki's origins are unclear, but it is thought to derive from the healing practices of ancient Tibetan monks. In the early 1900s Reiki as we know it was introduced in Japan by Mikao Usui, a religious scholar and teacher who had studied healing in Tibet. Usui named the therapy Reiki and developed the Usui System of Reiki Healing, which is considered by many to be the foundation of the therapy today.


Proponents of Reiki believe that when one's ki is blocked, sickness can develop. By gently laying hands on a person, a Reiki practitioner helps to break up blockages, allowing healing energy to again flow freely through the person's body. While evidence of Reiki's health benefits is mainly anecdotal, some researchers feel that the deep state of relaxation a Reiki session induces may trigger the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers.

Those who have undergone Reiki treatments report that it clears the mind and creates a heightened sense of awareness. By helping some people to release pent-up emotions, the therapy may also serve to relieve stress, often an underlying cause of disease.


Receiving Reiki is a gentle, soothing experience (some people even fall asleep during a treatment).. The treatment process is considered a healing experience for both the practitioner and the client, and the practitioner often feels recharged and refreshed after a session as well.

During a Reiki treatment, you typically lie fully clothed on a padded massage table in a warm, comfortable room. We may first "scan" your body for energy blockages by moving the hands a few inches above it. Any areas where there are blockages will then be a focus of the treatment.

During the treatment we place our hands lightly and systematically at various places along the body, including the abdomen, legs, back, and feet. This gentle touch is maintained for around three to five minutes at each place (and sometimes up to 20 minutes if there is a problem), as the healing energy is channeled.

A thorough Reiki session usually lasts between 60 and 90 minutes.


The therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for relieving the pain of such chronic diseases as arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Because it is noninvasive, Reiki may also be useful in helping to treat conditions where touching the body could be painful--in severe burn cases or in those recovering from surgery, for example.

By clearing energy blocks and helping a person feel more invigorated, Reiki may also relieve depression and other emotional problems. It has also been found to be useful in reducing stress, which can be the cause of up to 80% of all health problems.

In the modern world where stress is prevalent in most of our daily lives, therapies such as Reiki are proving to be invaluable in relaxing the body and encouraging the balance the body needs to heal itself.

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