foot health includes enucleation of corns, callous, verrucas, Ingrowing toenails, fungal foot and nail infections. General foot care such as flat feet may be helped by specific exercises and or orthotics, which in turn will help posture. We also make padding’s and orthodigitas to separate, lift or straighten toes.

Foot health care is essential to good health; if we are in pain with our feet for any reason it will change our gait and posture, this in turn can cause problems in many other areas of the body, for example if we are favouring one foot it will put a strain on our knees, this has a knock on effect to the hip then back, so you can see it is so much healthier to keep the feet in good working order. Our feet are relatively small by comparison to the weight they have to carry; so regular foot treatment helps us to keep our whole body functioning correctly. Health of the feet is especially important for people that suffer from diabetes, as a very minor problem in their feet could lead to gangrene, amputation and even death. Here at Hands on health we have a portable Dopplex, which, can be used to test the pulses in your feet. This will help to determine whether the blood flow is circulating properly in your feet, this is especially important for those suffering with diabetes.

This is just briefly touching on the surface of many complaints of the foot but we will be pleased to discuss you specific problem on a one to one basis.

Here at Hands On Health we use Vasyli orthotics, which are custom moulded and adapted to fit your foot


The treatment involves full examination of the feet and advice given depending on the resulting condition of the feet, nails will be trimmed and burred, and callus reduced on all areas. Any corn will be enucleated (removed) and wart or verrucas given the appropriate treatment suitable to the individual patient e.g. freezing or burning with the suitable medium e.g. silver nitrate or salicylic acid etc. then dressed. To finish, the feet will have a really nice massage with either a foot balm or lotion depending on the condition of the feet. Doppler testing may be given if it is felt necessary more so if the patient suffers from diabetes.

Copyright © 2007 Hands On Health Natural Therapists